Chapter President | Stephanie Nemeth | Hello! I'm Stephanie Nemeth, and I am honored to serve as this year's president of the CHS FFA chapter. As a junior, I am also enrolled in the Tri-Tech Pre-Vet program. My first year in FFA was last year, where I participated in the Vet Science CDE. I'm excited to connect with all of you this year! |
Chapter Vice President | Addison Miller | Hello! My name is Addison, I am very excited to be your CHS vice president this year! As a sophomore, this is my second year in FFA. Last year I competed in the vet science CDE. I am very excited to be able to have this opportunity to help create a fun environment for this year!
excited to see what this year brings and can’t wait for a very successful year! |
Chapter Secretary | Kiley Doyle | Hello! I'm Kiley Doyle, the current secretary of the CHS FFA chapter. I'm a junior enrolled in the CBC running start program. Last year was my first year in FFA, participating in Vet Science CDE and ag sales. Looking forward to connecting this year!
Chapter Historian | Lexi Salsbury | Hello, I'm Lexi Salsbury, I'm currently the historian from the CHS FFA chapter. I am a freshman this year. This is my first year in FFA. and I'm participating in Vet Science CDE. My goal is to make some friends and learn more about ag, farming, and ranching. The job I hope I reach from FFA is a veterinarian. |
Chapter Sentinel | Beatriz Contreras Sanchez | Bio Coming Soon |
Chapter Reporter | Emma Ekstrom | Hello! I'm Emma, and I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be serving as the treasurer for CHS FFA this year. My first CDE was ag sales and vet science. In addition to being the treasurer, I manage all the social media for our chapter. I'm a junior and currently taking pre-nursing classes at Tri Tech! |